Landkiting & Land Kiteboarding Gear

Slingshot B3 Ready Re-launch System


MBS Spring Set


MBS 9.5 x 28mm STAINLESS BEARINGS (pack of 8) - ATS TRUCK


Ozone Hyperlink V2/V3 5-Line Conversion Kit All Sizes


Peter Lynn Freestyle Handles


Peter Lynn Hype Play


Slingshot B3 Light Trainer Kite


Ozone Snowkite Harness CONNECT Pro


Cross Kites Boarder 2.5m Trainer Kite


Vector Quad Pro Kitelines 4x20m 210/110kg


Vector Colour Kitelines 2x20m 50kg


MBS Colt 90 - Constellation


Ozone Snowkite Harness CONNECT Pro V2


Flysurfer Peak 5 single skin foil kite


Peter Lynn Hype Trainer


MBS Core 94


Discover the Best Land Kiting Gear for Your Adventures

Dive into our range of equipment specifically designed for land kiteboarding. Experience the joy of harnessing the power of wind while on the ground with our carefully curated selection of gear made for all you land-kiting enthusiasts out there. Whether you're a beginner or an expert in land kiteboarding our collection offers the latest in landboard kites and cool accessories to make your time on land fantastic.

Our boards and kites are of quality engineered to provide an exciting ride regardless of the terrain. They prioritise stability and control allowing you to effortlessly execute high-speed maneuvers, jumps and smooth rides. Land kiteboarding has become a thrilling adventure for everyone.

Designed with a focus on excellence and performance our collection caters to all kind of skill levels and individual preferences. We have handpicked gear that combines safety with excitement so that you can concentrate on improving your skills while savouring every moment of joy that accompanies kiteboarding on land.