We all know that kitesurfing is the best sport in the world, but we also know how hard it can get to get down to the beach and on the water as much as we’d like. It can definitely be a little easier if the whole family is involved! The best way to get your kids into kiting from a very early age is to get them flying a kid’s kite! Not only will they feel super cool because they’re doing something their parent loves to do so much, but they will get an early understanding of how the wind works. This is a great, affordable Christmas present, and something that the whole family can enjoy at the beach! Check out the full range here.
Once they get the hang of flying a smaller kite, they can move on to the more complicated task of flying something with two lines! This is a great way to get their skills up for kitesurfing. It will help them with coordination, concentration, wind knowledge, and overall kite flying skill. Check out the range here on the website.
Finally, if they have mastered flying a two line kite (and are heavy enough to manage) they can start on a trainer kite! It’s best to give them a bit of help at the beginning, especially if they are under 10. Even a light child can fly a trainer kite in light winds with the help of a parent. Much like surfing, a child will learn very fast and be greatly benefited from starting the sport early. Our trainer kites can be seen here.
There’s no better Christmas present than the gift of flight!